Tracking Spending – There’s an App for That!

a look at the budget cartoonThe word BUDGET is always a dreaded word for everyone, but it is a necessary step in achieving financial freedom. To achieve financial freedom means you are managing your money rather than having your money manage you. You can be successful in reaching your goals in life once you have mastered being a money manager. To begin, you must start with a budget. A budget defines your sources of income and your expenses for a given period of time, usually by the month. To define your budget it is best to begin tracking your money flows going in and out. This is made easier if you use a financial app to track your finances. Kiplinger has a great article on five great financial apps that are FREE.

 Five Great Financial Apps That Are Free-KiplingerElectronic Gadgets

Choose the app that best fits your needs and get started today in tracking your finances. Once you have tracked your finances for at least three months, you have good information to begin working on your budget. The first step comes in knowing how your money is spent. Then you can begin making choices  which will be your first steps in reaching financial freedom and achieving your goals.

Politics and Taxes – What is on the Horizon?

The First Trust Economics Blog shares their views on what is on the horizon for taxes with the upcoming presidential election. They predict tax cuts are coming, but warn you to not let your personal politics interfere with your analysis. Read the article with the link below and remember nothing in politics is guaranteed.

Tax Cuts on the Horizon


Manage Your Finances With Smart Online Tools

tip of the dayYour tip today to make the most of your money, is to get smart with the online tools, to help you manage your finances. Kiplinger summarizes the best of the best, for your convenience. They cover it all – budgeting, banking, investing, retirement, health care and taxes.

8 Smart Online Tools to Manage Your Finances – Kiplinger

Don’t delay in putting these tools to use in making the most of your money! Your financial future depends on YOU!

Get More From Your Money


Everyone needs help getting more out of their money. Don’t be fooled by all the money saving gimmicks out there. Read this great article to understand which money saving offers actually cost you more money. Be a smart and savvy shopper to get more out of your money!

7 Money Saving Strategies That Can Cost You More – Get Rich Slowly by April Dykman

dollar signs

Time to Save – GA Sales Tax Holiday

no sales taxGeorgia has a sales tax holiday weekend August 9-10, 2013.  Items exempt from sales tax are:

Clothing which includes footwear, with a sales price of $100.00 or less per item. Not included are clothing accessories such as jewelry, handbags, umbrellas, eyewear, watches and watchbands.

Personal computers  and personal computer- related accessories for a single purchase with a sales price of $1,000.00 or less. Not included are cellular devices, furniture and computer-related accessories for recreational use.

School Supplies to be used in the classroom or in classroom-related activities with a sales price of $20.00 or less per item.

Saving Cents


Everyone can use a few ideas on how to stretch their dollars and save a few cents. Give these a try and start making the most out of your hard earned money.

  1. Replace processed foods with homemade.
  2. Cancel or reduce a service.
  3. Piggy bank your change.
  4. Go camping on your next vacation.
  5. DIY your repairs & maintenance.
  6. Buy clothing off season.
  7. Research online before you make purchases.
  8. Unplug…everything.
  9. Find cheap gas at
  10. Time your shopping during Sales Tax Holidays in your state.
  11. Check out free Nook/Kindle books.
  12. Visit your local library.
  13. Make a list & check it twice. Don’t impulse buy!
  14. Refer to shopping deals by the month to plan your purchases.
  15. Get a programmable thermostat.
  16. Teach yourself with DIY videos online.
  17. Buy multipack items (3 toothpastes/package) & combine store coupon with manufacturer coupons for each item in package at BJ’s
  18. Buy gift cards for local & national restaurants & retail chains at 20% off at Costco
  19. Dine at home.
  20. Make charitable donations for a tax deduction if you itemize.
  21. Increase your retirement savings & reduce your taxable income.
  22. Search the internet for coupons before you buy.
  23. Have meatless Monday dinners.
  24. Use SmartyPig to help you save money.
  25. Sell your phone, iPad or Mac on Gazelle for $$$$.
  26. Consignment shop online with ThredUP
  27. Create a No Spending Day once per month.
  28. Buy non-persishable items in bulk.
  29. Brew it yourself & skip the coffee shop prices.
  30. Consider increasing your insurance deductibles to save on insurance premium costs.
  31. Plant a garden.
  32. Replace costly cleaning chemicals with the basics of using water, vinegar and baking soda.
  33. Hang your laundry up to air-dry.
  34. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth.
  35. Eat food in season.
  36. Never grocery shop when hungry.
  37. Pay your bills online and save postage.
  38. Towel dry your hair instead of using a hair dryer.
  39. Reuse & Recycle.
  40. Give up soda.

Happy saving!

Ways to Save Money-Digging Deeper

Everyone is looking for ways to save money for both their business and personal finances. We have all heard about obvious ways like brown bagging lunches, cutting out the morning latte, mowing your own lawn, etc. But what about ways that aren’t so obvious?

The key is knowledge….learning about things the average person doesn’t know. For example, let’s tackle your electric bill. Consider the electronics in your business or home and the electricity costs while they are not is use, as a result of the vampire effect of Standby Power. The vampire effect is termed from sucking electricity which equates to dollars spent in electricity. Standby Power is essentially a sleep mode for electronics that allows them to power up quicker. Convenience costs money. Consider unplugging the worst culprits and save  money on your electric bill EVERY month. To learn more about Standby Power and which electronics use the most wattage, visit the Standby Power website from Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. You can also visit for more information on energy audits, available tax credits by state, rebates from electric companies and lighting choices giving you the same amount of light for less money.

Using the same concept, keep digging to find more money to save. Go to your next bill and learn about how your money is being spent. Then explore your options with research. Keep doing this for each bill you have and you will find savings that will keep saving you money EVERY month. Digging deeper into how you are spending your money will give you opportunities to consider ways to save. Give second thought to anything that can be categorized as a convenience. All convenience items have potential savings. Businesses can use the same concept to explore each bill to find ways to save.

The next step is not only learn before you spend money, but to take what you learned, and make better choices. Take advantage of the internet and the wide range of sources for consumer reviews before you make a purchase. Consider value and don’t be sucked into thinking you are getting the best deal by paying the lowest price. If you purchase the cheapest toaster available but have to replace it every year, you might need to consider purchasing a better product at a higher price, that will potentially last you three times as long. The end result is you get more for your money and that equals savings. The same concept holds true for businesses. When making personnel choices, the value of an experienced employee with a higher salary cost may be the better choice, enabling you to achieve your objectives quicker.

Another concept for you to try is to recognize the benefits of “less is more”. Basically it means, with less things you save more money. Consider what you have that can be potentially downsized…cell phone plan, vehicle, home, cable subscription, maintenance plans, insurance, etc.

Digging deeper takes times but the rewards end up in your pocket. Develop these concepts of thinking with your business and personal finances and you will find money to save. Happy Digging!

Declare your Financial Independence!

What are you doing to celebrate our Nation’s Independence Day tomorrow? It is the perfect time to begin celebrating your life and become financially independent. Learning is the best first step. Get out there and learn from the pros and educate yourself. If you are assuming you know all about money already, how are you doing with that? Unless you have put yourself into a financially strong position that has your money working for you, you need to re-think your plan.

The key steps to being financially independent are:

  • Learn and Live: It isn’t enough to learn about personal finances and money. You have to live what you learned. Put what you know into action.
  • Earn More: Increase your earnings. This may mean you get a second job, start a business,  or finish getting your degree to land that promotion. Explore your options and make it happen.
  • Reduce & Save: Cut expenses and save, save, save! Replace the spending on the “wants” with savings for the “needs”.
  • Get Rid of Debt: Quit giving your money away to banks and finance companies through interest payments. Keep it, save it and make it work for you!
  • Invest: Make your money work for you. Turn those savings dollars into more dollars with investments.

Read these articles to get you started on learning about your personal finances and declare your independence today!

7 Ways to Declare Financial Independence

How to Become Financially Independent

How to Be Financially Independent: 4 Free Tips

Commit to YOUR Future

Looking for ways to trim your costs to save more or to reduce debt faster? Ready to make commitments to yourself to reach your long term goals? If you are ready to make changes now that will benefit you in the future, follow these tips and invest in your future.

Identify Extras to Cut: Identify the extras in your expenses that are not necessities. These items are fulfilling the “wants” in your life and quickly add up to substantial amounts each month. Consider replacing these extras with free or reduced cost substitutions so you don’t feel deprived.

Shop Around:  Research costs before you make your next purchases. Know before you buy to determine if you are getting the best deal for your money. Check the reviews online and compare products. Make buying decisions based on meeting your needs rather than basing them on your wants or how much you can afford. Always get at least three quotes before you renew services such as insurance or lawn care (I know you can mow your own grass but some of us are allergic). Review options on buying products in bulk to save money. Planning before purchasing = Saving Money.

Sell Your Stuff: If you really MUST HAVE that membership or new microwave, commit to selling some of your stuff to pay for the cost. List it on Craig’s List or EBay and get it sold BEFORE you buy the new “must have”. Commit to yourself you can’t have the new item or service unless you come up with the dough to pay for it in advance.

Trade With Others: Have a barter party with neighbors and friends. Find out what each other wants and what each have to offer to barter. You might find yourself being able to use a neighbor’s workout equipment in exchange for sharing your computer. Barter babysitting services with a teen in exchange for driving lessons. Be resourceful. Think outside the box.  

Take Inventory: How many electronic devices do you own? Do you really need to be able to get email on your computer, phone and Nook? Do you really need 4 winter coats living in Georgia? Do you really need two cars and a motorcycle? How much time and money do you spend maintaining all this? Do yourself a huge favor. Take inventory and begin to simplify your life by eliminating excess and extras. Sell what you can, barter for what you need, or make a charitable donation and get a tax deduction. Base decisions on what you NEED rather than what you WANT. Get back to the basics of living and being able to enjoy what is important…the people in your life, not the things.

Take these tips all the way to the bank. Increase your savings and reduce your debt faster. Making changes now will benefit your future. Simplify your life and enjoy the rewards.

I invite you to share your ideas on how you found ways to save money and simplify your life. Everyone loves to hear new ideas to try! Post your comments to share.

Plan to Have Fun This Summer and Stay in Budget

Everyone loves to get out and enjoy life during the summer. There are a lot of activities to do, events to attend and places to visit. All this fun adds up quickly and can squeeze the life out of your budget. Plan now to budget for your summer fun. DailyWorth helps make this easier with an easy summer budget worksheet. Follow this link to get Your Easy Summer Budget Worksheet.   

Customize the worksheet to add your events like attending your cousin’s wedding, buying a house warming gift for you friend or enjoying a vacation at the beach. Consider all costs for each event such as childcare, travel costs, cost of gift, or dry cleaning your party clothes. Planning now will allow you the added benefit of enjoying the fun while knowing you are on track within your budget.

Have a great summer!